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Community Gardening

GROW-Wellbeing is interested in how horticulture - gardening - can bring people together, make people 'feel a little lighter' as the article from Washington DC in the US suggests, and how it, like forest school, helps children and young and adults develop an increased awareness of and respect for the natural world and, importantly, where our food comes from!


Horticulture is also rightfully being recognised as being of real benefit for people's mental health and wellbeing and included in thinking about 'social' or 'nature' prescribing as alternatives to conventional medical treatment and practice.


GROW is currently discussing potential  partnerships for the development of community gardening schemes in and around Merseyside- Watch this space!


is a genuine care for people, for nature, and only taking a fair share of resources

Community Gardening
Community Gardening
Community Gardening

Replacing Vacant Lots With Green Spaces Can Ease Depression In Urban Communities

Community Gardening

Lemos-Otero, 39, started City Blossoms, a local nonprofit that has about 15 children-focused community green spaces across Washington, D.C. She wanted to give kids from minority and low-income communities easy access to some greenery.


"Having access to a bit of nature, having a tree to read under, or, having a safe space like one of our gardens, definitely makes a huge difference on their stress levels," says Lemos-Otero. "The feedback that we've gotten from a lot of young people is that it makes them feel a little lighter."


read full article here​


Get Involved!

Are you interested in community gardening, social horticulture or permaculture?


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